carlos alberto parreira造句
- Munich , germany jun 19 , 2006 ( ap ) ? brazil ' s lackluster performance against australia was good enough for coach carlos alberto parreira and his players
巴西对澳大利亚毫无生气的表现对教练和他的球员来说真是够好了。 - Brazil coach carlos alberto parreira has told his players to leave their egos at home when they attempt to win their sixth world cup in germany next year
随着2006年德国世界杯的临近,世界冠军巴西队也日益成为了人们心目中的第一大夺冠热门队伍。 - Brazil is the overwhelming favorite to win the world cup , and when you look at the players head coach carlos alberto parreira has at his disposal , there ' s no question why
巴西最渴望赢得大力神杯,当你看了他们的教练佩雷拉的派兵布阵,你对此就不会有任何疑问了。 - 47 parreira c / ups carlos alberto parreira will be hoping for a smoother ride against ghana , a nation he coached for two years during the 1960s . still , how times have changed
卡洛斯-阿尔贝托?佩雷拉希望同加纳的比赛不会太艰难,他曾经在上个世纪60年代执教过加纳队两年,但是那已经是很久之前的事了,现在的加纳已经起了巨大变化。 - Brazil coach carlos alberto parreira has told his players to leave their egos at home when they attempt to win their sixth world cup in germany next year . " if we ca n ' t control the egos of these players , then brazil will certainly not win the hexa sixth world title , " he told reporters on tuesday
对此,巴西队主教练佩雷拉感到无比担忧,他认为如果巴西队希望梦想成真,第6次夺得世界冠军的话,队中那些世界级的球星们就必须在比赛中彻底抛弃“个人主义” 。 - It's difficult to see carlos alberto parreira in a sentence. 用carlos alberto parreira造句挺难的
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